Building Trust
Earn Trust
We are all stewards of OneTrust. And as stewards, whatever your role is, the principles of our Code should be at the core of every business decision you make. Our Code applies to everyone in our company, everywhere, from our offices to the boardroom. It may also apply to individuals and entities who work on our behalf, like vendors, contractors, consultants and agents.
Earning Trust means doing the right thing even when no one is looking. It’s easy to be tempted by seemingly small ethical shortcuts that others wouldn’t notice. It's not only about following the rules; it is being guided by your ethical compass.
Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Ask for help and encourage each other to do the same.
Check out OneTrust's values for more guidance on how we show up every day
Speaking Up
Each and every voice at OneTrust matters.
If you see something that goes against our values, or our Code of Trust, or the law, SpeakUp.
How exactly do you raise a question or concern? You can speak up in a few ways:
Contact the Ethics & Compliance Team via our Trustline. Depending on the laws of where you work you may be able to do so anonymously.
Whichever method you use to speak up, make sure you:
Retaliation is Strictly Prohibited
OneTrust will never allow anyone to retaliate against anyone for speaking up per this Code. Retaliation exists in many forms, including being excluded from social events, not getting promoted, being ostracized, or being excluded from team or group activities. It’s important to tell HR or Ethics & Compliance at once if you feel you have seen or experienced retaliation.
When you speak up, the Ethics & Compliance team will investigate the conduct you have surfaced. Investigators will conduct fair and unbiased interviews and analysis of the facts presented. This does not mean that every report will be substantiated or that every outcome will meet each employee’s desired outcome or expectations. It does, however, mean that the investigative process is fair, consistent and without bias, and so are the outcomes.
Being a part of OneTeam means you are always honest and transparent. This transparency extends to investigations and other requests for information from the Ethics & Compliance Team. Violations of our Code of Trust are serious, and we need and expect our Teammates to cooperate with investigations, whether internal or external, and to be honest and transparent in those investigations.

We will strive to maintain confidentiality about your cooperation to protect you, the information you provide, and the investigative process to the extent we are allowed. Information about compliance investigations will only be shared with those who need to know to do their jobs or as required to fulfill legal obligations.