Building Trust With Our Business
Keep Accurate Books & Records
Our commitment to Building Trust is reflected in how we keep business records. Those records come in all shapes and sizes, from receipts to contracts to our user metrics and published financials. Whatever the type of record, we apply the same approach: we are truthful, transparent, and accurate in our documentation. We do not engage in any activities that would cause those records to be misleading.
Be Responsible with OneTrust's Resources
All of us are stewards of OneTrust’s assets and resources. Each of us is obligated to protect OneTrust by spending company funds and resources only for legitimate business purposes. We each have a responsibility to use company resources strategically and protect against fraud, waste, and abuse. Types of company resources include physical property, such as OneTrust’s offices and facilities, monetary resources, and intellectual property, including OneTrust code and technology.
You may only use property and assets belonging to OneTrust’s customers and partners in ways the customer or partner has agreed to. If you ever are unsure about what is or is not allowed, please contact the Ethics & Compliance team.

Protect Confidential Information
Building Trust means protecting information and ideas, whether our own or those of others. Never disclose any confidential information about OneTrust, our customers or anyone that does business with OneTrust without authorization. That includes everything from marketing plans to customer information to financial information and metrics to internal reports and emails.
Always remember to avoid having confidential conversations within earshot of the public or in public places like restaurants. And even inside the office, only disclose and discuss confidential information on a need-to-know basis.
Avoid Conflicts of Interest
Bringing our authentic selves to work may mean that we engage in activity outside of work. But our activities and personal interests can inadvertently lead to a conflict of interest or the perception of one. Undisclosed and unmanaged conflicts of interest can undermine our culture of trust, impair our ability to make objective business decisions, and create regulatory issues.
Conflicts of interest are situations where your judgment could be compromised because of conflicting loyalties between your personal and financial interests and your job. They can arise when your personal relationships, activities, or financial interests overlap with your job duties in a way that affects or could potentially affect your decision-making at OneTrust.
You must promptly disclose to your manager and to the Ethics & Compliance team any activities, interests, or interactions that may or may be seen to adversely impact your ability to fulfill your responsibilities objectively and effectively to OneTrust. The Ethics & Compliance team will work with you to come up with solutions that manage any personal commitments before any potential problems arise.

To learn more about how to avoid conflicts of interest, check out our Global Conflicts of Interest Policy.
Choose Third Parties with Integrity
Our partners and third parties, including vendors and suppliers, represent us and our customers. We work with third parties that are as committed as we are to Building Trust with our customers.
We must also do our proper due diligence to manage and reasonably mitigate any unacceptable risk with our third parties. This means, before we enter a relationship with third parties, we must understand who they are, how they do business, and the risks they and/or the business creates for OneTrust.
If you are responsible for selecting a third party check out our Global Procurement Policy and ensure the supplier’s compliance with our Supplier & Partner Code of Trust.
Comply with Trade Laws
OneTrust respects and complies with global trade laws, including export controls, anti-boycott laws, and sanctions. Economic sanctions laws prohibit us from doing business with certain countries, governments, entities, and individuals. Anti-boycott laws prohibit us from participating in or cooperating with certain international boycotts. International trade laws regulate the import and export of certain goods and technologies – including code - across country lines.
The key is understanding with whom and where we do business, because those facts can inhibit our ability to get financing, contract with certain companies or countries, and lead to fines by the government. Our third-party due diligence processes include global screening processes that help us avoid engagement with sanctioned entities at any point in our supply chain.
For more information on international trade and sanctions, please reach out to the Ethics & Compliance team.

Be Responsible with Artificial Intelligence
At OneTrust, we are committed to ethical and responsible use of artificial intelligence (AI). We believe in leveraging AI's potential to provide innovative solutions to our customers while ensuring it is employed in a manner that upholds the highest ethical standards. Our vision for AI embeds our ethical standards into the design, delivery and use of AI solutions and services. Our AI Use Policy and our AI governance systems are meant to enable our technical, business, and legal teams to successfully leverage AI tools consistent with our ethical standards and the rule of law.
Policies & Resources